Narcissistic Abuse Therapy in
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Is it time for something to change with that difficult parent, upsetting “friend”, frustrating sibling, or unhealthy marriage dynamic?
What if you could let go of the burdens you carry from a toxic relationship, take control of your boundaries, and choose the relationship you want? Are you ready to face this challenge head-on, instead of holding onto the hope they’ll eventually change?
When is it Time to Tackle
Narcissistic Abuse?
Self-Worth is Shaken: If the theme of your life had a movie title, it would be “I am unimportant”, “Here we go again”, or “Why can’t they just (fill in the blank).” You are so tired of not knowing why you’ve never been worthy of unconditional love.
Overwhelmed by Guilt and Shame: You find yourself feeling guilty or ashamed even when you haven't done anything wrong, or you're constantly apologizing for things that aren’t your fault.
You are mad: Like BIG mad. Your eyes roll everytime you see their name come up on your phone again. You could not be anymore annoyed with them by this point. You are so over it but not sure what to do.
Toxic Patterns Keep Repeating: There are a lot of terms for what can happen in a narcissistic relationship like breadcrumbing or gaslighting, for example. Those words provide a label to help define what you are experiencing but, really, we just need to know that it’s simply unhealthy, unkind, and unnecessary. And something HAS to change. For real.
Fear of Confrontation or Rejection: You worry that you will continue to be seen as the black sheep, the difficult one, the “bad” one. OR, you’ve already had that title for so long that you welcome confrontation and your knee-jerk reaction is to be angry and loud.
Their Apologies and Gestures Suck: You are so over the meaningless gifts, the cards for the holidays that lack any depth, the phone calls and texts that glaze over the tension and hurt.

How Narcissistic Abuse Therapy in
Cape Girardeau, Missouri Can Help
We provide a space to process all the stress and abuse. You get to make sense of it all without feeling so alone.
Your therapist still calls you out when needed, but without all the criticism and judgement that you’ve received from the difficult person in your life.
A variety of perspectives are provided by your therapist to offer insight and mental flexibility, instead of the black and white thinking patterns you’ve been exposed to for so long.
We aren’t going to tell you what to do, how to feel, or how to act towards the difficult person in your life, but we will challenge you when you are part of the unhealthy cycle that keeps repeating.
We give you options to tell the difficult person to kick rocks (if that’s what you chose to do) without violating your own value system.