Therapy for Postpartum Depression

in Jackson & all of Missouri

How do you know when you need

Therapy for Postpartum Depression?

  • You compare yourself to other moms.

    • Like, All. The. Time.

  • Trying to do it all leaves you little time for yourself, and you're starting to feel the impact (or you have felt it for a while now).

  • You miss your old self and you couldn’t find her right now no matter how hard you tried.

  • The ups and downs of postpartum are a lot more intense and scary than you thought and they don’t seem to be going away.

  • Parenting feels way more isolating than expected even as your newborn transitions into a toddler.

  • Your body and energy levels feel so different, but you are trying to keep up with everything.

  • You don’t know how to ask for help or what kind of help you even want and need.

  • OR you DO have people who are willing to help but their help doesn’t give you much of an exhale.

  • You’re constantly worried about your kid’s well-being to the point that it causes panic, anxiety, and depression and you can’t turn it off.

Therapy for New Moms in Missouri Can Help

Therapy for new moms and postpartum depression can be a lifesaver for women who are struggling with feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the yuck of postpartum anxiety or depression.

If you're juggling a career, family, and endless responsibilities, therapy gives you a space to slow down and breathe without feeling like you’re failing at anything.

It helps you break through the cycle of constant stress, overwhelm, anxiety and depression that can come with being a busy mom.

How Our Approach Can Help You with

Postpartum Depression 

We offer online therapy for new moms dealing with postpartum depression, using IFS and EMDR to help you heal. IFS therapy helps you understand and heal the different parts of yourself that are struggling, while EMDR can help process trauma and tough emotions. Our therapy services are provided by online therapists who are also mothers of young children. We truly understand what you're going through and can support you in this journey of finding confidence and clarity in yourself.