Therapy for Rage and Overwhelm in Missouri

Living with rage and overwhelm is not the life you thought you would have.

You describe your moods as “ragey” or “numb and disconnected” with a flood of overwhelm that comes and goes (but mostly hangs around).

You are unable to relax. You may be great at doom scrolling, but authentic relaxation does not come easy.

Sometimes the rage and overwhelm seem to come out of nowhere and, when it comes, it is intense! It may be outward or it may fester inside of you.

The lack of energy from the rage and overwhelm impacts your ability to enjoy your life or enjoy time with the people around you. You are on edge most of the time and your brain loves to remind you of the overwhelming to-do lists you need to tackle.

Therapy for Rage and Overwhelm in Missouri Can Help

Let’s get you in a headspace where you all of your excellent self-awareness actually starts to create a change in your mood and behavior.

It’s time for some work in the subconscious (and even unconscious) parts of your brain to get your whole system rewired. It can sound a little woo-woo, I know, but working on your rage and overwhelm in this way is where the life-long change happens.

Unresolved trauma, extreme stress and the messages you directly or indirectly received from your life experiences, they need your attention. And not your logic brains attention this time. This time, these life experiences will be accessed with true self-compassionate, perspective-taking, courage, and curiosity.

I bet you just read that and said “I know, I know, I didn’t deserve (fill in the blank). I know it wasn’t all my fault.” But if that was all the self-awareness it took to manage the rage and overwhelm, you would maybe be feeling better than you have been lately.

Reach out today for help with your rage and overwhelm.

We are ready to hear from you. There is a lot of hope left.